I saw many examples of how to get data between parenthesis with regex for python but none with some pattern inside.
For example, I have this data:
Overall (each): 37 1/4 × 74 1/2 × 7 7/8 in. (94.6 × 189.2 × 20 dm)Each, 30 x 50 in. (76.2 x 127 dm.)24 3/8 x 14 5/8 x 5 1/8 in. (61.9 x 37.1 x 13 dm)
What I am tryng to achieve at least is:
(94.6 × 189.2 × 20 dm)(76.2 x 127 dm.)(61.9 x 37.1 x 13 dm)
And the perfect result would be what is below but I am sure this will require a second split:
94.6, 189.2, 20 76.2, 12761.9, 37.1, 13
Currently, I am trying this code: regex, but as you can see without the success in capturing just the cm parenthesis data.